These Store Cats Show Who The Real Boss Is- TEST ARTICLE

It goes without saying that dogs are a man’s best friend. Cats, however, are man’s best owner. You see, unlike dogs who slobber you with undying love, cats know how to keep you steady and in line. They give you affection but not too much because they know we might just forget our place. Which is why you don’t really see cats doing jobs like bomb-sniffing or guiding the blind. They usually graze around and wait for the next meal to show up. If anything, cats are pretty selfless. We have below a few examples of cats showing us exactly how they run the show. From protecting us from hoarding to guarding restaurants with alligators in them these cats are adorable protectors that won’t take any nonsense from anyone!

Feline Florist

Here’s another rare sight of a cat who owns a little flower shop. He may look tough and macho but beneath all that is a cat who just wants to show you what kind of flowers he has. Take a gander at the petunias or maybe the purple roses are more your style.

Image Courtesy Of Twitter/bodegacats

In fact, he has recently learnt the delicate skill of flower arranging and has taken it upon himself to ensure than every bouquet that leaves his shop, is thoroughly sniffed and checked by him. You can feel reassured that you will get the best deal in the area!

Cat Yoga

Ah, yes, the daily cat yoga. This is a must for any cat who owns a store. You spend all day napping and working and then napping some more than you must find time to ensure all your daily chill out needs are met. So what is the best way to work out all those kinks?

Stretching of course. In fact, this cat believes that involving the human in some stretching does them some good as well but sadly, not everyone is going to be as good as she is. We’re living for her cat-cow pose transition. The perfect arch – nice!

A Kitty CCTV

Having a store is not all it’s cracked up to be. You have tons of people browsing and touching stuff that it can get hard to keep an eye on them. So this cat, who has clearly mastered the art of disguise, has taken it upon himself to be a security camera for his store.

Image Courtesy Of Twitter/bodegacats

It’s the only reasonable solution really. You stay incognito and watch every human and perhaps even other cats. You spy and when they decide to steal something, you pounce! No one messes in this person’s store, at least not while this cat’s around.

Come In Here, I Dare You

Unlike the other cats who own grocery stores, running and managing a store like a salon is ten times worse! You somehow have to make hairless humans look good and you only get to style the top of their heads. How is that a job for an artist?

So sometimes, when a cat just can’t take the nonsense anymore but needs to keep the shop open, what it does is stand at the entrance and glared at anyone who decided to have their hair styled or cut that day. They look worn out like they’d rather be home and we can completely relate.

Keep Away From The Meats!

Some of us humans eat meat and we like meat but sometimes cats don’t like that we do. Especially this cat who believes that we ought to make our way to the fruits and veggie section because he has clearly called dibs on all the meat in that display. Maybe his owner is vegan?

Image Courtesy Of Pinterest

Who cares if it’s his job to sell those meats? If he wants the meat, you had better consider having fruit for tonight, lady. That’s right, keep walking! No meat for you today. This cat is either making sure the meat is all his or that the next customer makes sure to pick up a bunch of baby carrots.

We Are Siamese If You Please

Anyone else get the Lady & The Tramp vibe where Lady finds two Siamese cats in her home singing “We are Siamese if you please?” Because that’s all we get from this picture but it is clear that this is probably where those cats came from.

However, the difference is that you would not want to mess around in a shop where these two are the bosses because who knows what you’re up against should you decide to do something uncouth. These Siamese kitties look like they could destroy someone. Those piercing eyes are nightmarish in the dark! They probably look like angels during the day though.

Caught By The Paparazzi

Like human celebrities, cats too have their fair share of paparazzi’s stalking them and taking photos of their every move. And just like humans, cats are prone to be caught off guard and seen doing embarrassing things.

Just like this poor ol’ cat here. Just a minute before this shot was taken, he was standing tall and poised before his employees and customer. Then just when he needed a little me time, someone decided to interrupt his sacred R&R time. Shame on you!

Playing Possum

When you’re a cat, there’s not a lot that interests you. Unless of course when it’s time for a scratch or a yummy meal and even then, hmm, we’ll see if it’s worth our time. So what do you do when you’re making your rounds and you see the least exciting isle?

That’s right, you plop down on your back, assume the position and fall into a deep slumber. Who cares if customers can’t get to what they need? It’s just fruits and veggies, the yuckiest food ever created! The cat must be thinking: “I’ll let these humans be while I enjoy my peace and quiet.” Life is awesome when you’re a cat.

Watcha Looking At, Buddy?

Here is another cat manager doing her rounds around the store and keeping her employees at bay. She struts around with her tail sky high and her eyes make you rethink your every move. She is also tasked with the job of ensuring that no unauthorized person is left buying alcohol.

Image Courtesy Of Ipnoze

She is particularly strict about this since there was once a person who came in with a fake ID and fooled her completely! Imagine almost having your liquor license taken away because of some irresponsible minor. It was a long day at the courthouse for that case…

Have A Little Humanity

Having humans who have no sense of compassion is tiresome. One ought to teach them how to have better manners. They don’t understand what it’s like to be a cat manager! Sure, we get the perks and the amazing parking spot but you know what we don’t get?

Opposable thumbs and the height of a beanstalk. So it would be great if they could just be more understanding and not stack things up so high. It makes it almost impossible to check stock and everyone thinks you are just playing around.

Meat Check In Isle 5

This particular cat seems to be a meat connoisseur of some sort. Clearly, he knows what he’s doing and it’s a crying shame he’s not able to properly see his displays of meats. All in a day’s work, he just wants to claim his prize, ey?

In fact, this cat manager makes sure that every piece of meat that goes into his customer’s hands are first tried and tested by yours truly! Which is why you can feel assured that when you shop for meat here, you can be sure that it went through a rigorous check-up by a professional meat taster. Who by the looks of it, is starving during his shift. Someone give him some tuna!

Do I Have To Remind You?

Being a cat that runs a store is hard work, so what’s wrong with wanting to laze around and just watch humans go by? After all, there’s not much to do when you have paws and can’t exactly move stuff on your own. This kitty is lazing around because it’s her break time.

But at least, you have human workers to help you do that. In fact, this cat probably isn’t even resting, maybe he’s sitting on those boxes as a passive-aggressive way to say “What are these boxes doing here?”. We love the uniform that matches. Tres chic.

Throwing A Kitty Fit

Management and organization is everything when it comes to running a store. Sadly, your human worker bees tend to not listen when you tell them to do something and with this angry cat, he has clearly said not to leave space on the shelves because it gives the illusion that they’re low in stock.

Image Courtesy Of Pinterest

If he can fit in there, so can another row of sodas, Jerry! No one likes to get mad but when you have a language barrier, a hiss and a loud meow is all you can do so that people start understanding who’s the boss! Better stay away from the Fanta today, it seems a bit catty.

The Poised Manager

When you think of regal and poised behaviour, what do you think of? Royalty? The Queen? Cats? Well, if you said any of those, you, dear reader, are absolutely right! Unless of course, you said cats because you were reading an article about cats then that’s just cheating.

Anyways, this cat manager is the epitome of all that is regal and we can only imagine what a fine establishment he is running. How we wish we knew where the shop was located. That kitty’s fur coat is made of dreams and vanilla and we’re living for their stare.

Those Lazy Cat Days

Some days can get really dull. Especially when it’s office hours and there’s no one around. No one is coming into the store and those who do come in to buy small items like a piece of candy or a bottle of cold water. So, what’s a cat to do?

Image Courtesy Of Twitter/hotspotsd

Napping is done, stretching is done, annoying the employees is starting to get dull so this cat manager decides to just lay around and wait for customers to greet. We wonder if this is a daily occurrence since the place she’s laying on seems to have a curve. Seems like she saved a sweet spot for herself.

Fattening Up The Boss

Do you know the best part about being a cat? Well, have you watched puss in boots? The scene where he flashed his big doe eyes and melts everyone’s heart? Well, clearly this cat has got that skill locked down because he has managed to get his employees to feed him at almost every couple of hours.

Blessed be the man who feeds this cat because for sure he is going to win employee of the month. However, we do wonder if this cat really is management material because it looks like he’s too busy getting ready for a nap right about now.

Tissue Roll Guardian

The COVID pandemic has affected millions of people and some people tend to go a tad bit too far with certain things. We have all read the stories and news coverage of selfish people hoarding toilet rolls and reselling them to the point where stores had to physically limit the purchase of tissues.

Well, this kitty is here to protect the toilet paper. Guarding toilet rolls against hoarders and that is by stationing their big boss at the toilet rolls. Do you want some? Sure thing! Just give the cat 10 good reasons why you should have more than 5 packs of toilet rolls in one go, Karen.

Kitten Protégé

Over here you see a rare sight of a kitten in training to become a cat manager. Don’t be fooled though, it’s not the humans that are training her but instead, it’s probably the previous cat manager. This kitty had a good boss if she can stay put.

Because who else better to train a new cat manager than an older and wiser cat. You can see that this kitten is already taking her new role pretty seriously by keeping an eye out for customers and warding off could be criminals.

Eggcellent Seller

Eggs are an important commodity so you would need someone like this cat to sit and guard them while the store is running. Clearly the cat is also an eggcellent seller as you can see the many empty cartons which indicates a busy day for this egg selling cat.

Honestly, if you have to leave the task up to a human, those eggs would be sitting on the shelf for a long time. Sure they’ll probably not be covered in fur but where’s the fun in that? Hopefully, this gorgeous midnight coloured cat didn’t knock over a few eggs.

Training In Progress

Having trainees is troublesome especially when they are not cats. You have a language barrier and you have to keep an eye on them all the time or else they make mistakes. The worst part is if that trainee is stationed at the register.

Are they making the right calculations? Are they giving too much of a discount? Which is why this cat manager has decided that he needs to keep a close eye on the payments so that he doesn’t lose any money that could have been used to buy some premium cat food. We love how she’s just sitting there, beside the cashier waiting patiently until it’s time to go home.

Safety Protocol

Sadly, there comes a time in a cat’s life when he or she has to deal with sudden armed robberies and while being a cat might keep you safe, they need to think about their vulnerable human employees. Without them, who could even fill up their dish bowls?

Image Courtesy Of Pinterest

So this cat boss decided to show his employees how one should react or behave should such a situation arise. Honestly, this is one of the best safety advises from a cat manager and you can see that he has had a lot of practice as well. He’s either telling the customer to mind their own business, to stop or maybe they just want some affection.

Playing Is Sometimes A Good Thing

Having human employees can be fun sometimes. They adore you, they feed you and treat you wonderfully. Sometimes, even when you throw a tantrum and lash out, they still seek you out and want your companionship. This cat is just beaming for attention and we’re okay with giving her it.

Image Courtesy Of Pinterest

Although, while getting ear rubs are pretty nice and all, it can’t be done too often or else their humans will forget their place and start thinking that you’re not really in charge! But, oh well, for now, let’s just lay back, relax and allow this particular human to play with you.

I’m Always Watching

Cats are pretty familiar with humans and their sneaky ways. They lie and cheat store owners into getting what they want but you know what? That stuff does not sit well with a cat boss! This boss knows exactly what you’re lying about and right now, you’re lying about your age.

Image Courtesy Of Catsoncatnip

Was that a fake ID, mister? That’s right, she sees you and she knows you want this crate of alcoholic beverage. She is so on to you and the minute you reach for it, she’s going to lay down the law, cat style. Are you sure you don’t want loose leaf tea instead?

If I Fit, I Sits

Being a cat isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. You are right to say they are a superior species and they have a special place on earth as our rulers but sometimes, it’s hard. Everyone thinks you’re all cute and cuddly when you really aren’t. Sometimes all they need is some rest and sleep.

If anything, you are a poised ruler, a graceful dictator of sorts. Sadly, cats do have one thing that will weaken their will and make them turn against everything that makes them above us all and that is a box. When a cat sees a box, regardless of whether he’s doing important business, he must check to see if he fits and will then proceed to sit.

Employee Of The Month

What makes a good salesman from a great salesman? It’s not only about making a sale or being employee of the month but it’s about leaving an impression! It’s about leaving your customers in love with your store and your products.

Take it from this cat who is in the middle of selling this frying pan. He shows his customers precisely what they’re getting. Sure, he has the added advantage of being an adorable cat but that’s not all he’s known for. Keep at it, Mr.Cat! We’re hoping the store owner or customer made sure to collect their cat or else the customer buying the pan got more than he bargained for!

Another Snoozing Cat

Here we see another prime example of a cat showing us how to run a store successfully. One must always be sure to catch up on some nap time to ensure that one is well-rested and capable of running a store. This cat looks like its short on a few hours of sleep perhaps a night of playing tired it out.

Image Courtesy Of forbiddensnacks/Reddit

Sure, if you’re a cat, sleeping on the job is encouraged and the fact that they can fit in most places, is a strong plus point when it comes to sleeping during office hours. Too bad we are mere humans that could face firing should we decide to follow in this cat’s footsteps.

Protecting The Valuables

When you own a store, you have a precious piece of a commodity that’s all yours. For humans who don’t know the meaning of priority, it’s always about money and physical goods. In fact, some go so far as to protect the store as a whole.

On the other hand, with a cat owner, they know exactly what to prioritize and that, ladies and gents, is the cat food. Money can be gained and other items in the store can be restocked but when the cat food runs out, who is going to keep the cat owner full and able to run a store? Which is why this cat decided to take matter into his own paws.

Getting Away From The Crowd

Humans can get pretty annoying with their incessant questioning and their constant need for approval with all the petting and wanting a cuddle. So what’s a cat to do? Besides curl up into a ball and wait for dinner of course.

Simple, find a spot where no one can get to you and take a much-needed nap! Because honestly, if the kitty does not get her nap, no one is going to be happy! And while we’re at it, how come the clothes here are not folded the way I said I liked it? Can’t a simple cat have comfortable bedding up in here?

Cat Naps Are Essential

Taking a cat nap during work is essential, unless of course, if you’re human in which case, don’t you dare! Not while the kitty manager is on the clock! Take a look at a fine example of cat napping done by this particular cat manager.

He’s so relaxed that it doesn’t even bother him that he’s sleeping on a paper that exudes the complete opposite vibe than he is. Take note, humans! This is how you achieve pure Zen. Using the pile of newspapers has a headrest is a genius idea. We might just take his word for it.

A Special Thank You

When you go shopping at a store, you often see ushers at the storefront or perhaps your cashier says nice things like “Have a nice day!” and it usually makes your day. This person received a surprise when this kitty was sitting atop an empty cardboard box beside some lawn seed.

Image Courtesy Of Pinterest

However, this store decided to up the ante and put their manager at the exit so that customers can truly feel secure and appreciated that such an important feline is thanking them for their support. After all, who doesn’t want to shop at a store where a cute little kitty is greeting you.